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You Say “Tomato” I Say “Superfood”

Discover The Health And Weight Loss Benefits Of JuicingHelp Detoxify Your Body And Feel Re-Energized With Juice!
Discover The Health And Weight Loss Benefits Of Juicing
Help Detoxify Your Body And Feel Re-Energized With Juice!

The tomato has been called many things throughout history: Peruvian apple, love apple, and even, by Americans at least, a vegetable. Today, however, this lovely fruit is fast becoming known as Superfood!

While not able to leap tall buildings in a single bound, this super hero of the nutrition world is able to do some pretty amazing things.

For example, some studies show the tomato may help decrease the risk of prostate cancer, as well as breast, lung and stomach cancers. And the Herald Sun reported  that the yellow jelly around the seeds have yet another benefit: They may stop blood cells from clumping together, which sometimes leads to strokes and heart attacks.

What is it about this little red fruit that makes it so amazing? Lycopene. Continue reading You Say “Tomato” I Say “Superfood”

Jump For Joy And Juice

Juice can actually be considered a natural water source and provides the body with protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that can be absorbed quickly and efficiently. Fresh juice also contains necessary enzymes, and pigments such as carotenes, chlorophyll, and flavonoids.

Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables provides numerous nutritional advantages that are extremely important to weight loss. In addition, diets containing a high percentage of uncooked foods are significantly Continue reading Jump For Joy And Juice

Juicing Fasts To Detoxify The Body

Many people have heard of juice fasts as a means of detoxifying the body. Followers of a raw foods regimen also include juices as part of their nutrition. Nearly anything can be juiced fruits and vegetables, primarily. It’s a form of concentrated nutrition. Some people drink only fresh fruit juices.

In addition, fruit and vegetable juices are good sources of the traditional nutrients. Citrus fruits (grapefruit, oranges, etc.) provide a healthy portion of vitamin C. Carrot juice contains large quantities of vitamin A, in the form of beta carotene. A number of green juices are a good source of vitamin E. Fruit juices are a good source of essential minerals like iron, copper, potassium, sodium, iodine, and magnesium, which are bound by the plant in a form that is most easily assimilated during digestion.

While fruit and vegetable juices are the most common form of juice, Continue reading Juicing Fasts To Detoxify The Body

Powerful Health Weapon Can Increase Your Energy

By the time you finish reading this article, you’ll possess a powerful weapon in your fight against chronic tiredness and other health problems.

This potent weapon is not new. It’s well known by many health experts.

So what is this key resource to help you enjoy better health?

It’s making your own fresh fruit and vegetable juices. When you juice Continue reading Powerful Health Weapon Can Increase Your Energy

Juicing Beets Recipes

This is my article dedicated to juicing beets recipes.
Frankly, I love the things, and I really find, I don’t know if it’s just me, but every time I feel tired or I feel a cold coming on, juicing beets really helps me. Maybe it’s a placebo thing. I don’t care. I’m making an article especially for that special vegetable in my life.

So here of some stats of said vegetable;
Beets contain calcium, iron, sulphur, potassium, beta-carotene, choline, Continue reading Juicing Beets Recipes

Juice Fasting Clean Your Insides

A wise man once said, “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst, for they are sticking to their diets.”

What a fit description of the seemingly endless battles that we fight to lose weight and to stay healthy and vital for as long as humanly possible!

Up and down, up and down, your metabolism bounces between walking pace and light speed; you have nightmares about celery sticks; you can work out the exact calorie count of every meal in 2.5 seconds; and the wheels on your exercise bike spontaneously combusted months ago. Continue reading Juice Fasting Clean Your Insides

How Juicing Fruits And Vegetables Can Enrich Your Diet

There has been a growing concern over the rapid deterioration of health among professionals. If you have been living on instant meals for most of you life, you may be subjecting your body to more stress than usual.

It’s high time that you started watching what you eat.

The body needs proper nutrition for it to function properly. For people who are always on the go, incorporating fruit and vegetable juices in their daily meals is one of the many options that they can try. Juicing is an innovation that was popularized to provide an answer to the dilemma of being able to get the most out of vegetables and fruits.

While everyone understands the importance of eating fruits and Continue reading How Juicing Fruits And Vegetables Can Enrich Your Diet

Detox Diet Juice Fasting

Due to the highly processed foods that we consume and the polluted air that we breathe, our body accumulates toxins. The body does its best to eliminate the toxins, but ends up being stressed due to the overload. Symptoms such as chronic headaches, skin allergies, premature ageing, etc. start to manifest.

What can we do to help our ailing body? Try juice fasting, as a safe way to detox! Many studies have been done on the beneficial effects of juice fasting. We can increase our lifespan, treat bio chemical imbalances, reduce our cholesterol levels, treat allergies, acne, etc.

In juice fasting, by giving the body a rest from food and digestion, the Continue reading Detox Diet Juice Fasting

Detox Diet 8 Benefits to Juice Fasting

There are many benefits to juicing, especially if you prepare them yourself:

1. If drank fresh, the juice is full of live enzymes, which is helpful the body.

2. Unlike coming out from a packet, the juice is fresh and not pasteurized. Pasteurization many have its conveniences but it has resulted in nutritionally dead foods. During pasteurization, high heat is used and this destroys the vital nutrients within the juice.

3. You consume more vegetables by drinking than by eating. As you Continue reading Detox Diet 8 Benefits to Juice Fasting

Choosing A Juicer

There are many advantages to eating fruit and vegetables raw. Water-soluble vitamins (such as vitamin C) are destroyed by heating, so there will be less vitamin C in a cooked carrot than in a similar raw carrot.

But for some nutrients, cooking (and juicing) is more nutritious, because it makes the nutrients more easily assimilated. Cooking and juicing breaks down tough fibres and allows the digestive juices to work more effectively on the vegetable. This is particularly important for someone who is elderly, ill or who has impaired digestion.

For example, research has shown that we absorb approximately 3-4% of Continue reading Choosing A Juicer