Tag Archives: juice

Jump For Joy And Juice

Juice can actually be considered a natural water source and provides the body with protein, carbohydrates, essential fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals that can be absorbed quickly and efficiently. Fresh juice also contains necessary enzymes, and pigments such as carotenes, chlorophyll, and flavonoids.

Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables provides numerous nutritional advantages that are extremely important to weight loss. In addition, diets containing a high percentage of uncooked foods are significantly Continue reading Jump For Joy And Juice

Detox Diet Juice Fasting

Due to the highly processed foods that we consume and the polluted air that we breathe, our body accumulates toxins. The body does its best to eliminate the toxins, but ends up being stressed due to the overload. Symptoms such as chronic headaches, skin allergies, premature ageing, etc. start to manifest.

What can we do to help our ailing body? Try juice fasting, as a safe way to detox! Many studies have been done on the beneficial effects of juice fasting. We can increase our lifespan, treat bio chemical imbalances, reduce our cholesterol levels, treat allergies, acne, etc.

In juice fasting, by giving the body a rest from food and digestion, the Continue reading Detox Diet Juice Fasting

Detox Diet 8 Benefits to Juice Fasting

There are many benefits to juicing, especially if you prepare them yourself:

1. If drank fresh, the juice is full of live enzymes, which is helpful the body.

2. Unlike coming out from a packet, the juice is fresh and not pasteurized. Pasteurization many have its conveniences but it has resulted in nutritionally dead foods. During pasteurization, high heat is used and this destroys the vital nutrients within the juice.

3. You consume more vegetables by drinking than by eating. As you Continue reading Detox Diet 8 Benefits to Juice Fasting